react native 学习记录
- Aframework for building native apps with React
- 50k+ stars, 190 releases
- Showcases: FB, Airbnb, Baidu, QQ[androind], JD
- guide - ‘Counter’
- api document (ios && android)
- all release notes (latest stable rc: 0.46)
- react native vs cordova
- Learn once, write anywhere vs Write once, run anywhere
- native vs hybrid
- react vs ?
react => react native
- react -> react,
- redux, mobx -> redux, mobx
- router -> navigator,
- native, native-navigation, react-native-navigation
- JS-based solutions, react-navigation
- react-dom, css, scss, fetch, timer, .etc-> react-native
- …
- one project -> three projects
Dev Tools
Starter Kit
- create-react-native-app
- Pepperoni
- Ignite, CLI and Yo Generator 2016-v0.38
- F8 App, 2016-v0.28
- kitten-tricks
Why Ignite ?
- Battle tested and used every day by the developers at Infinite Red
- An ever-expanding list of boilerplates and plugins
- Statement Management, Redux + Redux-Saga
- Animatable, react-native-animatable
- Icons, react-native-vector-icons
- Router, react-native-router-flux
- I18n, react-native-i18n
- Mapview, react-native-maps
- Themes
Debug - android
- check the dev options and required permisions
debug on devide
5.0+, via usb connection:
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
<=5.0 via LAN, set proxy as dev-server’s addr
- Remote Debug JS, debugger-ui
- Redux DevTools by JK or remote-redux-devtools-on-debugger
H享卡 - MVP
- 载入界面
- 登陆控制
- 个人信息
- 通知消息
- 优惠券
- 礼品卡
Other Topics
- Code Push
- Parse Server, mongo db
- Lottie
- Awesome Repo !!!